The OAC an acknowledged Research Centre

Friday, November 15, 2019

By the bill “On Co-operations between Universities and Technological Educational Institutes (TEI), access to highest education...” by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Government Gazette 4610/7-5-2019, Article 255 of the same law), the Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC) was included in the Law 4310/2014 (A´ 258) concerning “Research, Technological Advancement and Innovation“ and is, thus, officially one of the State-acknowledged Research Centres.

This fact constitutes a very important development for the OAC and a recognition of the responsible work that is being done for more than 50 consecutive years, and is expected to be a landmark for its future course and academic progress on a national as well as an international level.

As a Research Centre, the OAC deals with the following scientific fields of research, which shortly will develop into Research Institutes:


Byzantine Iconpainting (Art)

Study and promotion of the Dialogue between Science and Religion

Ecumenical Theology

Ecology – Institute of Thelogy and Ecology

Youth – Euromediterranean Youth Centre


Study of Culture – Tradition (Art, dance and music)