Cooperation in Projects and Support the OAC's Sustainable Vision
As the OAC is a Welfare Non-Profit Foundation, we are more than thankful for any financial support from those who appreciate our efforts, especially regarding our sustainable vision for the environment.
As the OAC is a Welfare Non-Profit Foundation, we are more than thankful for any financial support from those who appreciate our efforts, especially regarding our sustainable vision for the environment. Please remit your contributions to the OAC’s bank account:
Bank’s name: Cooperative Bank Of Chania
Account Holder: Orthodox Academy of Crete
Account Number: 113505004
IBAN: GR20 0690 0080 0000 0011 3505 004
For more information about the OAC’s environmental projects and for participation/collaboration in European and International programs (e.g. H2020, FP7, LIFE, Interreg, Erasmus+, IEE) please contact:
Antonis Kalogerakis, Head of the Institute of Theology and Ecology (Department of the Orthodox Academy of Crete): Tel.: 0030 28240 22245 and E-mail: [email protected]